Friday, December 1, 2006

where do we begin?

And so I begin to wonder, how does one go about transforming this stigmas, this superficial reality, that really, doesn’t represent reality at all. Reality? Hmm.. It then becomes a search for what the reality of a woman is? Has woman, in all of her capabilities, complexities, beauties, ever REALLY STOOD in the reality of what it means to be that sex? There are some. They are heroic. The time has now come for this generation to produce woman who go against the assigned grain. To kick and scream for her right to look how SHE wants, to say how she feels, to experience joy on her terms and with those that she loves. This is not such an easy task.

Currently, as I am sitting in a computer lab in my favourite dress, my hair done well, a warm scarf around my neck…I wonder…who is looking? Who is noticing? Who will confirm to me that I look as beautiful as I perceieved this morning when I did my final check in the mirror.

How do i come to debrainwash my mind? A revolution of my paradigm?

Remeber that little girl you once were? I used to run around butt naked with my little belly hangin out, or got dress up really pretty for church on a sunday, and i knew it! lol.

What happened to our adventures? the story tale lives we wanted to live. I know i am not living it. I would never have imagined such hardships, such struggles, such intense insecurities, all over boys, and all over, being in competition with others...

We are fighting because each and everyone of us is terrified of being alone. We have equated not having a man in our lives to an enitrely false assertion that we are ugly, or fat, or too loud, or too quite, or too too too too too!

we have to begin here. With these false assertions that have been given to us from the outside, from the media, from some people who are just inherently just kinda mean....there are lies that we have accepted as fundamental truths in our lives, and we have built our structures upon them...

but my friends, we are on shaky ground...


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